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I love being a young adult cancer advocate.

Wall Street Journal - June 2013

"Advocating for brain tumors. Advocating for young adults. It's a really positive way I can make my own mark and make a difference," says Ms. Morrison. "It's just the only thing I can do." 


Click on picture to the left to open a PDF of the WSJ page and read the rest of the article by Melanie West

CBS Radio - Fresh FM - June 2013

"Emily remains extremely positive and optimistic throughout her experiences and discussed how she first learned about the National Brain Tumor Society during her initial stay in the hospital and started raising funds from her hospital bed. She has made it her mission to raise awareness and funds for research to fight the disease."


View article and listen online

Expect Miracles Foundation - April 2012

Inspirational Contributor Award Winner 2013


Inspirational Contributor Award â€“ presented to Emily Morrison, Senior Private Client Associate, Bernstein Global Wealth Management. A cancer patient herself, Emily is the top fundraiser for two charitable events, focusing on giving back to others affected by the disease. 


Expect Miracles Press Release


Yahoo! Article 

Stupid Cancer
Self Magazine - October 2012

"Change starts with each woman telling her story. "Cancer is not a dirty word," Morrison says. "It's not just for your grandparents or even your parents. Listen to your body if something isn't right, and be your own advocate. You have a voice, and it is powerful. Don't ever lose it."

Kappa Delta - Angelos Magazine

"In one of my books, I read a quote. It's from a Burmese human rights activist: "If you're feeling helpless, help someone." On Easter Sunday, I started fundraising..."

GStupid Cancer is one of my favorite organizations. I have had the opportunity to appear on their radio show twice and also on a panel at the OMG East! 2012 conference. (Available on iTunes, "Stupid Cancer" Podcast)


Guest Co-Host

  • June 11, 2012 "Decoding Annie Parker"


  • June10, 2012 " Does Everyone Need a Therapist"

  • March 20, 2012 "Take those Pills!"

I  was interviewed for one of the best social networking sites for cancer survivors, supporters and caregivers. There is a great video and I am even on the homepage! Check out their website if you're a cancer survivor, supporter or caregiver:


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